Leading investors to discuss sustainability

Climate change and responsible investment are top of the agenda at a roundtable being held in Australia next month by the top UN environment body, which hopes to attract leaders from the finance industry.

The gathering in Melbourne will provide "an opportunity for bankers, insurers, asset managers and institutional investors from around the globe to discuss new ideas and challenges" the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative said on its website.

Water, pollution control and transparency are also among the topics up for discussion at the two-day roundtable, which will be held on 24-25 October, 2007.

"Over the past two to three years some of the world's biggest investors – pension funds, foundations, government reserve funds – have really woken up to the issue of responsible investment." Paul Clements-Hunt, head of Secretariat at the UNEP Finance Initiative,
told chinadialogue.

Read more about the UNEP-FI 2007 Global Roundtable